Wednesday, February 26, 2014

User Experience

Dear Monsieur Google,

What did I ever do to you to deserve such treatment? Honestly, I do not appreciate these little mind games.  I went to my blog, clicked on "Sign in" (seems pretty straightforward so far—I wasn't trying to do anything complicated or fancy, except for SIGNING IN), and then you had to go and respond with this message: 

Let's talk.

1) Language like "you do not have access to this service" is not made more palatable when prefaced by "we are sorry" (because no you're not). 

2) Not only is an essential ACCESS DENIED message rude, it is also confusing to refer to me-trying-to-sign-in as a service you are providing. 

3) And then there is the next portion of the message, "Please contact your domain administrator for access." Really? You make it sound so simple: "It's easy, just contact your domain administrator, you remember, Geraldine from the domain administration desk, her number is 555-1234, just give her a jingle and she'll fix you right up." 

I don't know what a domain administrator is, I don't know who mine is, I don' t know her number or email address, and deep down I feel it is wrong to have to embark on a research project before I can sign in to Blogger. If you're going to make suggestions on who to "contact," provide CONTACT INFO. A link. Something. Now, had I embarked on such a research project I would have landed on a page like this:

That's a lotta reading right there, Señor Google. BUT honestly, it was just bad advice to begin with because I DIDN'T need to contact Geraldine or who ever my domain administrator is. I needed to simply sign out of my email, and then try again. I arrived at this understanding by ignoring your rude message, and asking a nearby friend. 

4) Next time you can simply say "You're logged in to the wrong account. If you have multiple accounts, try logging out of the one you are in, and then you can sign in with the one you use for Blogger. If that doesn't work, call Geraldine at the domain administration desk, her number is 555-1234. You can also email her at

I may be a novice, and of merely average intelligence but I have just had a crappy User Experience and I expect better from you, Herr Googlemeister. SO that's why I'm blogging about it.

A concerned cyberpedagogy-ologist


  1. customer service is a lost artform nowadays.....

  2. Well I cannot tell you how many times I have had this issue. I wish there were nicer ways to say error messages. It makes me wonder who makes them and why they are structured this way! Is it because they are trying to be "universal"? I have no idea..websites and (phone companies) should really think about how they are treating people even though they cannot see the user's face! (me and my work's IT company have a lot of issues as of late so I completely understand how you feel)
